Thursday, May 14, 2009

The real value of a person

Well about the others day's conversation about Obama, I think that one of the main problems in the USA and Argentina too is that everyone has their minds so closed that it's not possible for them to understand different people. That's why I suppose the black people are discriminated against all over the world, as are asian people, aborigens, or latinos at times...The topic is really complicated, but I think that until people open their minds the change is not going to be possible. But I would like for people who consider themselves to be superior to think about whether or not it is really true that they are really superior because of the colour of their skin, eyes or hair...I think not.
"The magnificence of a person is measured by his actions not by his physical appearance."
This is one of the phrases that I live by.
I would like that you consider this idea.

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