Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hi Andy! I'm Ornela from the Houssay Institute. Well first of all, I'd like to tell you that it's a great experience having you helping us improve our English. This is an opportunity to both learn from a native- nothing could be best than this!, and to contact other culture, other language.
About me, for those who don't know me, I'm 22 and I live in Rosario. Maybe I could tell you what my goals are, sometimes, they describe better a person than writting a few lines. Having graduated both as a translator and English teacher, I'm planning to keep on improving my level so as to obtain as many degrees as possible and eventually I'll move to Europe - or even further- and teach this wonderful language there. What I want most is to never quit studying and meeting new people, which may lead into travelling all around the world! By doing so, all my dreams will come true. The rest is up to my own fate.
By the way, the idea of having a place where we can express our thoughts and ideas is brilliant! i've enjoyed doing this so much! See you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ornela! Thanks for opening up and sharing you goals and innermost ambitions! I'm glad you enjoy expressing yourself through writing. This blog is all yours-- feel free to write whatever's on your mind. I'm positive that your dreams will come true. Where would you like to travel besides Europe? If you ever go to the states, you'll have to search for me! (if I'm there... I too would love to travel the world).
