Thursday, May 14, 2009

Obama and his political career

From my point of view it was really interesting to read somenthing about Obama before he started his political career. I've realised that he always was an open-minded person and very committed to his work and thoughts. He suffered from discrimination when he was young as well as his friends and the black people around him, so he always tried to improve the treatment that black people receive. The article also shows that he was a common person who did common things like everybody else. Those experiences are useful when you are leading a country because you know how people think and what people need.
I do believe he will be a great president, of course he will have many obstacles since US society is a complex society with many prejudices. However, I'm sure he will succeed and he and his goverement will change some of those prejudices. Also, they will make a better country and a better world, because racism is everywhere.

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