Thursday, August 27, 2009


I chose an article about Singapore, in which the author explains that this place has a stunning landscape which can take your breath away. Every block has trees and flowers, and the island's entire east coast is a string of parks and beaches.

No litter mars a walk through Singapore's streets, because a litterbug must pay a fine and undergo counselling.

People who live in Singapore believe taht the government loves to make rules. The walls of buildings are plastered with rules, telling people what they can't do and how much they have to pay if they dare to try it. The fines represent considerably more than a slap on the wrist, and they're enforced often enough to make miscreants think twice.

To conclude, the Prime Minister was interviewed about the rules and fines in Singapore and said that he hope to move into a position where people don't need to have all those fines put up.


  1. A counseling sentence for litterbugs?! I wonder what the sessions sound like. Would you like to live in a place like Singapore? At least visit? I sure would. If you have the time to post another comment, I'd like to know how and where you found this article. What about it caught your eye? I want to commend you for posting. Keep up the good work!

  2. In Singapore, people who throw litter at the street must pay a hefty fine. It sounds like a bit exaggerated, do`n't you think?
    I would like to visit this place and to learn about how they care the environment.
    I found this article last year, when I was looking for articles which were about the taking care of the environment. At that moment I felt really interested because in our country we live in a really different way.
