If you weren’t in Language II today, you missed a bagel party. Plain and cinnamon raisin, with cream cheese and all. Here’s a picture of a variety of bagels so you know what you could have had (just rubbing it in—I’ll bring them again. As long as they’re fresh). You can order your own (24 hours in advance) and have them delivered to you in Buenos Aires by checking out http://elbagelazo.blogspot.com/. Sooo close to the real thing without traveling back to the States.
As promised, here’s a link to investigate Fulbright opportunities for Argentines: http://www.fulbright.edu.ar/esp/becas_1_3.asp. That should bring you directly to a page which outlines the language assistant scholarship program (the reverse of mine! Note: you will be a Spanish language assistant). Look around the site to learn about specific requirements, scholarship duration, application requirements and who to contact and when. Let me know what you find out. I’d be happy to help you work on the application when it comes time.
That's all for now, or at least until I receive a sign that someone is reading (hint hint)! In any case, it was so nice to see some of you today! It's good to be back.
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