Thursday, May 14, 2009

Barack Obama - President of the United States.

The last class we talked about Barack Obama. As regards the article, Barack Obama had a difficult and a hard childhood. He was unfairly discriminated by white people. I don't understand why people do that. I think that Obama is a great and honest person. We cannot judge him by his appearance or by his skin. We need to gain trust to change. In my opinion it is a fundamentally change to the United States and I am sure that he is able to manage the country with his policy.


1 comment:

  1. Julia,

    After reading your post, we could say that we agree with it up to a point. As regards to your perspective on Obamä´s past, it is true that he was strongly affected by racial descrimination. Obama writes in his book Dreams from My Father, "the tennis pro who told me during a tournament that I shouldn´t touch the schedule of matches pinned up to the bulletin board because my color might rub off." This episode portrays a piece of his suffering due to his colour.

    On the other hand, we feel that the conclusion is a bit assertive. You wrote that you are "sure that he is able to manage the country with his policy." However, there is not enough evidence to back up your claim. You could have used a milder approach to state your position.

    All in all, your ideas about the future of the USA are very optimistic. We enjoyed reading your post a lot!

    Luz, Constanza & Guille.
